February 21, 2014

The Rise Of China

“Few seem to understand the historical significance of what is happening there. As the US was rising to its power and glory during the 19th Century, we had a horrible civil war, 15 depressions, few human rights, little rule of law, periodic massacres in the streets. Yet we still became the most successful country in the 20th Century. China will have plenty of setbacks along the way as does every country, company, family, and individual that rises." - in Business Insider Australia

You can keep reading Jim`s market updates and financial commentary on the new website: Rogers on The Markets (click on the link or on the image below to access the new website)

Jim Rogers is a legendary investor that co-founded the Quantum Fund and retired at age thirty-seven. He is the author of several books and also a financial commentator worldwide. Visit the new website Rogers On The Markets for exclusive content. 
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